Dialogue Platform

Global and Regional Dialogue Platforms provide an interactive and engaging space for our community on anticipatory action to thrive. We share knowledge, exchange best practice and lessons learned, to collaboratively ensure a fundamental change within the humanitarian system: from reaction to anticipation.
The International Dialogue Platform takes place in Berlin once a year. Additionally, three regional Dialogue Platforms are held in Africa, Asia-Pacific and Latin America. The events gather humanitarian actors, meteorologists, climate scientists, national governments and decision-makers. We discuss how to improve Forecast-based Financing and Anticipatory Humanitarian Action in general, how to implement the concept into existing projects and how to advance the use of weather and climate data.
New challenges in 2020 have transitioned our Global and Regional Dialogue platforms to the virtual space, yet remained interactive, fun and engaging. We designed a unique LIVE Blog which captures the key insights from speakers and their presentations or talks, as well as enabling full access to recordings of all plenaries and sessions.
Please note that this page is no longer updated. For the latest information on upcoming Dialogue Platforms, please visit our new online platform Anticipation Hub.
Watch the video below to get an impression of the Global Dialogue Platform 2020, which took place in Berlin.